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CSA in Budapest Requests info

>Dear John Barclay
>I'm glad to discover from an the Biodynamics Association of America's
>internet site that there  is a mailing list for CSA groups.  I gues this is
>mainly for and used by CSA groups in N.America, but I don't know of any
>equivalent for Europe, so please could I subscribe to your list and see what
>you're up to.
>I have been involved in the past as a grower for a couple of different CSA
>groups in Britain, but for the past 2 years I have been living in Hungary,
>and not so involved in CSA groups for the last 3 or 4 years.
>We are just starting to consider setting up a CSA/local food links project
>here in Gödöllő, a Hungarian town about 25 miles east of Budapest.  I am
>particularly interested in promotional material on CSA schemes (we could
>make any necessary translation from English into Hungarian), to help get
>something started here.
>CSA marketing is pretty novel to Hungary (in fact the home market for any
>kind of organic produce is quite tiny, although organic/b-d production is
>growing for the export market).  I have only heard of one other scheme, and
>this is only a small one.  We also plan to only start small - perhaps around
>40 weekly boxes at the start.
>Anyhow, I look forward to joining your discussion group and making contacts
>with CSA activity where you are.
>Matthew Hayes
>Matthew Hayes
>Institute of Environmental and Landscape Management
>Godollo Agricultural University
>H-2103 Godollo
>Pater K.u.1.
>Tel:	++36 28-415 383,or 310 131 ext.1058
>Fax:	++36 28-415 383/310 804
>E-mail: Matthew@nt.ktg.gau.hu

John Barclay        (217) 384-5465             jbarclay@prairienet.org
Champaign, IL, USA                http://www.prairienet.org/~jbarclay/