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RE: Small Farm Digest, a new free quarterly newsletter

Hello all:

I was able to subscribe with no problems - try this - send a message to
majordomo@reeusda.gov with the message "subscribe smallfarm".  That
should do it.  Leave off the "-mg-" in the message.  

Good Luck.


> -----Original Message-----
> From:	RfarmChico [SMTP:RfarmChico@aol.com]
> Sent:	Thursday, January 15, 1998 12:01 PM
> To:	csa-l@prairienet.org
> Subject:	Re: Small Farm Digest, a new free quarterly newsletter
> A few days ago I Posted the following
> >>To subscribe to an electronic version of the publication, send a
> message to:
> >>Majordomo@reeusda.gov
> >>In the body, type: subscribe smallfarm-mg
> >>The Web site is located at http://www.reeusda.gov/smalfarm
> I have been unsuccessful in subscribing. I posted the note before
> trying. 
> I got the info out of a Small Farm Newsletter - which I threw out, so
> I can't
> follow up on this with the publication. 
> It may be that it is just in the works and will be posted later (?)
> Anyway - sorry. If anyone has any other info on what is going on with
> this
> please post. It seems like a good idea and I hope it floats.