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Re: CSA newsletter in the works

Re:  new national CSA newsletter -- have you done all of your homework to
make sure that you're not re-inventing the wheel?  

Wasn't Melody (oh gosh, drawing a blank on her last name -- Townsend?)
doing a regular national CSA newsletter, or maybe it was regional for the
Northeast?  I know she had been ill and I seem to remember hearing that
we've lost her as well as Robyn Van En.  I went through another bout of
unemployment last year so cut all subscriptions out of my budget in favor
of keeping the mortgage paid and am not on top of who's doing what these
days, but it seems to me that there's already something in existance.  The
Demeter Association or ATTRA would probably have up-to-date info.

Of course, Free Enterprise is a fine thing and there's probably room for
another publication.  Just be aware that many of us CSA folks are living
hand to mouth while we put our resources toward getting these projects off
the ground and if there's already something out there you might be asking
for water from a well that's pretty much dry when you put out a call for

Dori Green:  Writer, Farmer, Facilitator
Ash Grove Community Farm & Center for Sustainable Living

$100,000 tied up in my CSA farm now and it's time to order seed!  Where ARE
all of those subscribers?  Besides waiting until July to indicate some
interest, harrumph. <G>