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naturemark potatoes

I received an advertisement for the Potato Patch catalog, including
information about the Naturemark potato with the following statement:

>And the good news is it has no effect on the environment.

I don't understand how anyone could make the above statement about any
agricultural product.  Certainly no honest scientist could make that
statement, even about a potato that is not a product of genetic
engineering. When a body of scientific evidence suggests that use of the
NatureMark potato would be very likely to accelerate Colorado Potato Beetle
resistence to Bt, making the above statement seems to be an arrogent

Potato Patch may have the right to choose to sell NatureMark potatos, but
making such obviously undefendable and deceptive statements discredits
them.  I chose to order the potato seed for my farm from a source with more

Rob Peterson, Brigit Croft Farm
