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Stake in farmers' market

Just got a scarry letter and form from Mr. Ed Williams, Supervisor/State of California/Fruit, Vegetable and Egg Quality Control Branch/1220 N Street, Room A-447/Sacramento, CA 95814

Saying that Unless wee small farmers pay up we are going to have our local farmers' markets ripped out from under us. That "in order for the certification/enforcement program and certified producer exemptions from commercial packaging, labeling, and sizing requirements to continue, adequate funding for the State program must be obtained".

Also that there have been some "significant problems" from secondary certificates sellers at markets. Which will of course require more restrictions  on us to rectify.

It sounds like a stick up to me, or an attempt at assasination. Either implimented by bureaucrates, corporate agriculture, or shippers.

We got just until Sept. 11th to reply with a limited survey that seems to ask us how we want to be held up.!! We get to choose.

No back up information. No phone number. Just the short limited survey and a return envelope.

Anybody else got one of these and is as upset as this as me?