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Marcell wrote:
I find this spam unconscienable!  I am susbscribed to this listserve for
information on community supported agriculture, and do not wish to receive
unsolicited advertising from the ISP that hosts the listserve.

I'd like to know how other subscribers feel.  If you are as outraged by this
action, I suggest you reply to this spam with a complaint, and cc

Any further unsolicited commercial e-mail from Prairienet will cause me to
immediately unsubscribe to this otherwise useful and appreciated listserve.

Marcello Aurelio Lanfranchi

Well since he asked no I'm not outraged.  I thought it a bit strange, but
since it came from prairienet I thought it was ok.
Ok because we use this list for FREE.  Some hardworking people work behind
the scenes maintaining all these list that we enjoy, and electricity and
computers aren't free.   And the product which they were offering might be
useful to someone.  I frankly only read half of it thought no thanks and
deleted it and completely forgot about it until Marcello's note.  Quite
frankly I am more worried about selling my surplus CSA produce (or have it
rot before I can pick and freeze it) than I am about what goes on on the
lists I subscribe to.  Well good luck to everyone in your harvest, Beth