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Bermuda grass (was Re: Request for some practical tips.)

At 04:36 PM 9/7/98 -0500, Jay Woods wrote:
>The easy answer is Round Up but you will need to garden for three years
>before the produce can be thought of as organic.

>On Mon, 7 Sep 1998 DRush35007@aol.com wrote:
>>  I am planning to start with a section of the
>> garden about 4,000 square feet.   The soil is almost pure sand, and it is
>> currently covered with bermuda grass. 

Ack!  Bermuda Grass!  (making warding sign with fingers)

A while back over on the Permaculture list, someone suggested covering the
plot with black plastic mulch for about a month and letting the sun bake it
all to death.  I haven't tried this myself, but it's worth a go.

On smaller plots, I've had moderate success with a scuffle hoe, providing
that I picked up *all* the little stolons afterward.  Sometimes I'd miss a
few, but as soon as they showed green, I'd pull them up from the by-then
loosened soil.  If you want to start in one corner and work out, this might
be a workable strategy.

Good luck,

Loren Davidson			Permaculturist, poet, philosopher
loren@wombat.net    http://www.batnet.com/beauty/
"Follow your dreams.  Make your wishes.  Create the future.  And above all,
believe in yourself."  -- J. Michael Straczynski