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The SANET-mg E-mail Discussion Group

Since some postings on this list are more about farming practices than CSAs
alone, I thought people might be interested in knowing about the SANET-mg
list (see below.)  I will add this into the CSA-L FAQ when I get a chance.
I don't want to discourage farming questions on CSA-L, but SANET-mg has a
much larger number of subscribers and may yield better result.  If any of
you all know of other e-mail lists that would be of particular interest to
CSA-L participants (such as the biodynamic list), a similar message about
what they are and how to subscribe would be appreciated.

	John Barclay, CSA-L co-moderator

About SANET-mg

There is an e-mail  list run by the Sustainable Agriculture Network called
SANET-mg which focuses on sustainable agriculture practices.    Below is
information on the list from their web page at
http://www.sare.org/san/htdocs/hypermail/hypermail.html  Archives of the
list are available on the web site, as well as, a form to subscribe.  Its a
good idea to read the archives before subscribing so you can see if the
list is for you.  You can also subscribe via email as outlined below.

SANET-mg, an e-mail discussion group, was initiated in September of 1991.
By the summer of 1992, approximately 200 individuals had subscribed to
SANET-mg. Currently, more than 750 individuals are subscribed. Readership
has exceeded 700 for more than a year. Anyone subscribed to SANET-mg
receives every message sent by any other subscriber to the list. SANET-mg
is not moderated, which means that there is no screening of messages sent
to the list. 'Traffic' on the list averaged about 7 postings per day
(weekends included) for the period of 53 days from 24 February to 17 April,

 If you would like to subscribe to SANET-mg:

 Send a message to:

 In the BODY of the message type only:
 subscribe sanet-mg

 Note: be sure to leave the subject line blank and type the message
exactly, since a computer will process the request.

John Barclay        (217) 384-5465             jbarclay@prairienet.org
Champaign, IL, USA                http://www.prairienet.org/~jbarclay/
