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Re: Monsanto and Overcoming Corruption

lh wrote: ... Great resources on
>the issues brought up by the news article are the web pages for Friends
>of the Earth, Union of Concerned Scientist and Environmental Working
>Group - just to mention a few.
>The problem in Washington is not Clinton or Gingrich (they are easily
>replaced chess pieces) but the power and influence that pulls the
>strings. Until the time when people supporting a sustainable future 
>together and create their own political power, corporate interests like
>Monsanto, ADM and the like, will use their muscle to model a future 
>is not in anyones interest (except for possible a small monied class).

Hi LH. I suspect that the corruption has even reached the environmental 
groups that you mention above. Leonard Horowitz's book, Emerging 
Viruses: Aids and Ebola ..., shows that the government and big business 
corruption is apparently much more widespread and dangerous than can 
hardly be imagined. I feel that the best hope we really have is local 
county governments where individuals can know the candidates personally 
and can run for office or support people they know who will run. The 
people of the U.S. are acknowledged by our constitution to be sovereign, 
as are the states and counties. Sheriffs and County Commissioners or 
Boards can tell corrupt federal authorities to stay out of their 
counties without their express permission and some are doing so. When 
the USDA designs laws that make true organic practices illegal, 
authorities in local counties can uphold citizens' rights of free speech 
and free trade despite such unconstitutional laws. There's an 
organization called County Action News which covers such matters. I know 
of some people who have more detailed info on this subject if anyone is 
interested. Local people can behave badly too, of course, and ultimately 
I feel that the solution must be some sort of Consensus form of decision 
making, or unanimous rule, as many communities are practicing, as can be 
seen at www.ic.org. Aloha. Lloyd

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