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Re: Monsanto and Overcoming Corruption

Leigh wrote:
>You are absolutely right about  foundations. No one was arguing that.
>However you are confused to trash environmental organizations out of 
>without knowing the particulars of what you are talking about  ...   
>But back to the fight on organic standards - 250,000 plus people wrote
>congresspeople on that issue. That's a fantastic accomplishment.  
>... It also took working assets phone company (which has a number of
>problems itself) advertising it.  It took EWG, and UCS and Science in 
>Public Interest (a membership funded group) and a number of the other
>groups to publicize and Pacifica the issue to their members and the 
>in general, because, for the most part the corporate media didn't
>So, the bottom line is, Lloyd, even on lists, you shouldn't make 
>statements about people or organizations that you are relatively 
If we concede defeat in fighting on [the federal]level we lose, because
>while you think you can control the world from your own little corner 
>county with good and kinder thoughts, it ain't so.

Hi Leigh. I didn't hear me say anything about wanting to control the 
world. Our nation is designed to be controlled at the local level. When 
the fed makes illegal laws, the counties still have the power to 
override them. We should work for fairness at the county level because 
we can be effective there. How many state and federal level politicians 
are not in the pockets of big biz? I don't say not to work at the 
"upper" levels too, but our competitors have the upper hand there. As 
for the environmental groups that you brought up initially, I have not 
trashed them. All I said was that I suspect that they may be influenced 
by big biz for the benefit of big biz. If you read Horowitz's Emerging 
Viruses book, you might get a better idea of how ignorant I am. Much of 
big biz appears to be not just greedy but Nazi-like in their 
aspirations, philosophy and methodology. DuPonts had a million man army 
financed to take over our gov't in the 30s. Rockefeller's, Bush's and 
others financed and supported Germany's Nazis. Hemp was outlawed because 
it would have threatened the paper, oil and chemical industries. These 
people want a dictatorship in which to have complete control. They don't 
like us having freedom to choose organic food or alternative medicine. 
What most people haven't considered is that big biz may be the main 
supporter of both fascist and socialist dictatorships thruout this 
century. They appear to have been behind all of the major wars. Their 
ruthlessness is no less than that of a Sadam Hussein, who was a business 
partner of Geo. Bush. 
When you learn about CIA experiments with propaganda, drugs, bacterial 
agents, etc., and ties to Hitler's Nazis, and about the other things 
listed above, it's not hard to suspect that all major groups in our 
society and in most of the world are covertly influenced by big biz. Big 
biz isn't necessarily totally unified, but most if not all of it appears 
to be no more benevolent to the public than is the Mafia, which now 
seems to have a close relationship with big biz too. As long as 
environmental groups fail to discuss gov't and big biz corruption 
realistically, I don't see how they are going to benefit the public. The 
USDA and other gov't tentacles will just keep working covertly to undo 
whatever environmentalists and others try to accomplish. Do you really 
expect the NOP issue to be settled in our favor? Do you ever hear of the 
FDA approving good alternative therapies? I'm trying to be practical and 
that's why I say that I think we need to have fallback defenses, like 
county gov'ts, in case the feds decide that organic is illegal. Lloyd

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