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CSA Author to Speak at BD Conference

The Mid-Atlantic Biodynamic Farming and Gardening Conference will be held
October 2-4 outside of Charles Town, WV (Near Washington-Baltimore) Steven
McFadden author of Farms of Tomorrow Revisited will be a featured speaker,
conducting a workshop on the future of CSA and later conducting an
appreciation of the Harvest Moon from the Native American perspective.
(More information on the confernece follows the notes on Steven's

Farms of Tomorrow Revisited

The foundation of our future is being laid right now. Mo matter what
kind of civilization lies on the far side of the millennium, it will be
built upon farms.  No culture, no technology, no larger spiritual
advancement of humanity can occur without healthy, thriving farms as a
sound base – and yet via industrialization, chemicalization,
mineralization, and genetic experimentation, this foundation is rapidly
mutating and eroding.

With farmer Trauger Groh, author Steven McFadden explored the
possibilities for renewal in their 1990  book on Community Supported
Agriculture, "Farms of Tomorrow."  The CSA movement grew strongly and
swiftly through the 1990s, and so they returned to the subject in recent
years to wrote "Farms of Tomorrow Revisited" (1998).  In this
presentation Steven will review what he and Trauger found as the
considered both the theory and the experience of CSA .  As agriculture
closes out yet another difficult season, and and more and more
genetically altered food CSA may represent an "ark" of sorts for farmers
and consumers alike.

Under the Michaelmas Moon: Steps, Sounds and Stories

In a Saturday night celebration of the Full Moon following the Autumnal
Exuinox and the Festival of Michaelmas, we will gather in a circle to
laugh, lift our voices, test our courage, enter the silence for
contemplation, and hear tales of heroes and the dragons they engaged.

Presenter's Biography:
Steven McFadden has traveled the Four Directions over the last 20 years,
often on pilgrimage.  He has met with traditional elders from many
cultures to discuss and experience life, ceremony, and celebration. A
gifted speaker and teacher, Steven is founder and director of The Wisdom
Conservancy in the United States, and Coordinator of the historic Sunbow
5 Walk for the Earth.  A Master of Traditional Reiki Healing and an
insightful astrologer, he is also the author of several widely acclaimed
books, including:

Profiles in Wisdom: Native Elders Speak About the Earth
Farms of Tomorrow Revisited
The Little Book of Native American Wisdom
Teach Us To Number Our Days

The Third Annual Mid-Atlantic Biodynamic Farming and Gardening Conference
Oct 2-4, Charles Town, WV

Theme:  Traditional Nutrition and Restorative Agriculture

Topics: Sustainable Agrictulture * Herbs and Herbalism * Permaculture *
        Traditional Nutrition * Soil Life * Community Supported Agriculture *
        Marketing What You Produce

Featured Speakers: Dr. Jim Duke, The World's Foremost Herbalist; Sally
Fallon, Author of Traditional Nutrition, the 'diet book' that speaks out
against politically correct 'nutrition;' Scott Pittman, Head of NA
Permaculture International and a noted teacher of Permaculture; Steve
Diver, ATTRA researcher and author; Joel Salatin, author of "You Can Farm"
and small farm marketing guru, Hugh Courtney, BD Prep Maker to the Nation,
Hugh Lovel, Cosmiculturist extaordinaire, Jerry Brunneti - Pasture
Health/Human Health Expert and more!

Conference is held on a 400 acre working farm and historical property.

Meals prepared on-site from biodynamic and organic produce by Chef's
Collaborative 2000 founding restaurant, ANGELICA KITCHEN, NYC's premier
whole foods restaurant.

More information (and a brochure!) at http://www.igg.com/bdnow/bdconf98.html
or call (304) 876-2373.

My apologies for x-posting this not-for-profit information.


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