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Re: shareholder retention

Basic Memberships at Ash Grove are $25 per year, $250 lifetime.  A basic
membership entitles a member to:

     Unlimited free visits ($5 each for non-members)
     10% discount on all purchases -- produce, crafts, plants, livestock, etc.
     20% discount on workshops

CSA memberships (garden co-op) are $200 non-working, $100 working.  Folks can
stay or go, es machts nichts as they say in the old country.  Many wander off
-- short attention span, the idea of connection and sharing responsibility for
the production of their food scares them, I irritate them, whatever.  People
have left early because they didn't realize that a working share meant that
they might be expected to get some dirt under their fingernails.  My opinion:
they are still star stuff, they should go with god.  But go, as far away as
possible and as quickly as possible.  <G>

I've got one member this year from my first year in 1991.  I checked -- all
the rest have left the area (including my husband)!  Well, I knew he'd gone.

Said it before -- I'd rather do this with two people who Get It than have 200
hanging around who don't.  My attitude would be different if I was counting on
this for some income; I'm not.  I'm donating the use of my land, and most of
my time (I formally ask to receive a percentage of any profits after operating
expenses have been paid, in lieu of salary for my time).

I _do_ go after any shareholder who leaves and try to find out why it was they
really left.  Hubby going crazy and running around half-naked with a sword in
1994 was a biggy.  Sigh.  He's in Albuquerque now, but the shareholders never
did come back.

Some shareholders and spouses just have to be loved with open arms, I guess.

Dori Green
Ash Grove Community Farm yadda yadda
Corning, NY