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converting a consumer started/driven CSA intoa farmer driven CSA

I don't have experience converting a consumer started/driven CSA into a
farmer driven CSA but I do have experience with both types of CSA's and
as a farmer, give me the later everytime.  I'll write more about the
pros and cons, from a farmers/managers point of view in the next day or
two.  I welcome the chance of discussing issues that relate to CSA's.  I
would also like to hear about good/bad experiences with core groups.  As
the manager of a farmer driven CSA I do not have a core group, and
frankly, I don't miss one, though, in theory (what's this say about most
theory?) they should be helpful.
The only thing I have to say about garlic and oil is - how much garlic
should I be planting right now for next year's shares to make them
happy? ( I know, I know, a core group would help me with this decision.
But would it really? My experience with one is that it didn't). How many
garlic bulbs to you give to your shareholders over a season?