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Re: Anyone? Anyone?

We gardened in Maine for years and used the old yankee trick of putting
manure and straw/hay top dressed with 4 to 6 inches of good rich soil, under
cold frames to generate heat for cool weather crops thru December and
starting again in March.  You might get throught the winter in Virginia. Not
much sun in Maine in winter. The following fall dig out the now composted
material and spread it on the main garden. It's some work but there's no
energy bills.  You might consider doing it in an insulated box, and just
lifting the box when done with the cold frame.

Kirsten Saylor wrote:

> Anyone on the net that has experience growing in all four seasons?  I am
> reading Coleman's books and am going to give it shot in some small plots
> (in the city, Arlington, VA).  Just wanted to see if any other people
> were just starting to try it out.
> Kirsten
> p.s. Thanks to all the people who got back to me re: affordable
> greenhouses.
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