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Re: Transfer of Development Rights = CSA:

Dear Art and group I am going to respond with in the below message:

>Oh Beth,
>You answered the problem of real CSA in describing your current mission
>statement.  " Our mission statement at the moment is to find a farming
>that will save the farm, hopefully forever (we are looking into selling
>development rights) from houses or other "ugly" buildings."  Although your
>mission statement is not very measurable, I believe it is obtainable.
>Furthermore, I believe it is one that you and your community can live with
>the rest of your lives.
>Again, our mission statement is:" To observe, apply and teach urban
>agriculture."   Who are we going to teach?  We are as commited to teaching
>community legislature and executive branch as much as we are to teaching
>developers and wannabe farmers.  Only an inclusive systems approach to CSA
>will be politically correct and stand a chance of survival.  THIS IS
I think we have a good shot at teaching kids, or our committed members, but
are you right about teaching
the gov. sector.  At the moment our biggest "danger" is our own town.  This
past spring the were drooling
over our land as a possible site for a new High School thank goodness they
are putting it somewhere else(of course
formally open space but slated for houses).  A few weeks ago they ask to
meet with my husband they wanted to buy it.
For a future golf course in one officia'ls plan. Open but full of chemicals
and I am sure loss of forest habitat.  Well my husband
said no but he'd be intereted in selling development rights, the good thing
is the did't laugh him out of the office.  But
they had no idea how to procede, neither do we really.  Massachusetts offers
an APR (agricultural protection restriction)
program, I e-mailed someone no answer guess I'll have to be old fashion and
>Bainbridge Island, WA is the 6th largest city in land mass in Washington
>State.  Yet the population ranks 227th out of about 250 incorporated cities
>the state.  Our history of white settlement only goes back a little over
>years.  But in that heart beat of history, we have managed to squander and
>waste enormous natural resources such as forests, salmon populations and
>water.  Have we no shame?!  WE ARE a short sited shelfish bunch :), I
include myself
in that but aren't we getting better?  Please say yes.  I don't know.  I
read a list of the top 10
states loosing farm land (to houses mostly) the top one was California (10
was Massachusetts my state).
California, this affects all grocery store shoppers which is the huge
majority of the country.  WHere will the food come
from?  I was amazed at this.  I understand the difficulty in rallying the
genereal public to a new idea CSA, but lose of
farmland in California affects the grocery stores.

Art how far from the Seattle area is Bainbridge Island.  What kind of
distribution do you offer.  Is it pick up at the farm only?

Does anyone know if there are CSAs in New Mexico.

Thanks group, Beth ps. Art no offense, thought everything you said was
