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RE: Using the internet to sign-on shareholders

For a fact sheet on internet marketing for farmers try this web site.

Sylvia Kantor
Agriculture Information Coordinator
WSU Cooperative Extension, King County
700 Fifth Ave, Suite 3700
Seattle, WA 98104-5037

Everybody gets so much information all day long that they lose their common
sense.              --Gertrude Stein

> ----------
> From: 	Kirsten Saylor[SMTP:kir39@hotmail.com]
> Sent: 	Monday, November 30, 1998 9:16 AM
> To: 	csa-l@prairienet.org
> Subject: 	Using the internet to sign-on shareholders
> I am wondering what experiences people have had using the internet to 
> attract potential customers and then having them sign-on.  Some 
> questions -- how many hits became inquiries for more info?  How many of 
> these turned into shareholders?  How did it work out with having 
> shareholders sign on through the internet?  Do you see the internet as a 
> tool for gaining membership?  
> Thanks!  Kirsten 
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