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Re: Global action for development of the third society through the development ofsound farming

No I have not read Gene Lodgeson. Who is he? Yes, the rules should be
strict, but it is very important that they are strict in the right way. In
Europe we have problems with rules that forces small farmers to invest more
than they can afford - particullarily milk producers - so that big farmers
get an advantage and small dairy farms that should convert to ecological
rather die out. This is very dangerous for global food security. Animal
husbandry and crop production should be combined locally, preferably on
farm level (minimizing transports), minimizing energy consumption should be
a goal with a practical implementation strategy, and there should be at
least an extra fee for long distance trade to prevent that traders choose
the easy way and import from a big grower rather than looking for and
stimulating local ecological production. The experiences of CSA development
should be integrated in the IFOAM rule system. I think a profound rule
revision within IFOAM is needed based on a world strategy for eco-farming
that will promote local consumtion and that opens for that eco-farming is
not a special thing for special people that can afford to pay extra. I am
convinced this is possible. Then the EU and USDA rules for eco-farming
should eventually become unneccessary or just lean on IFOAM.

Hans von Essen

At 06.23 98-12-30, Kirsten Saylor wrote:
>I suppose you've read Gene Logsdon?  He said something very similar in
>his keynote address at the Small Farm Conference and Trade Show in
>Noblesville, IN on Dec 5.  He said that it is very smart of organic
>activists to demand stringent regulations in order to be certified --
>because then the big boys won't want to do it -- they CAN'T do it!
>Kirsten Saylor
>Arlington, VA
>>Date: Wed, 30 Dec 1998 05:07:48 +0200
>>To: CSA-List <CSA-L@prairienet.org>
>>From: hans.von.essen@c.lrf.se (Hans von Essen)
>>Subject: Global action for development of the third society through the
>development of
>> sound farming
>>Note a formulation improvement in Hakan Blombergs and my paper, right
>>"The underlying forces are very strong - an increasing price
>>from foods produced under more and more industrialized, biotechnical
>>less and less farm-like conditions."
>>Hans von Essen
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