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Re: En: Polyculture / Castor

on 25/8/00 7:26 PM, Simon P. Kartar at s.p.kartar@reading.ac.uk wrote:

> Loren Davidson wrote:
>> I truly hope you're not taking the cliche'd and arrogant tack of
>> adding insult to injury by trying to make us feel guilty at having
>> expressed how we felt about being inconvenienced.
> Hello Loren, Marsha and Permaculture list,
> I don't think that Marsha can be accused of arrogance here. Perhaps you
> are mistaking arrogance with frustration that much hard work and
> planning leading to an important discovery has been shot down in flames
> due to a technical hitch.
> We appear to be searching for proof and measurability in Permaculture,
> and when it turns up and stares us in the face, we don't see it.
> Marsha's team have made a very important breakthrough here, and lives
> may be saved as a result. Please can we concentrate on the message and
> not the messenger (a dodgy email). Concerns about being a few quid out
> of pocket from people in the 'developed' world are at best misplaced in
> relation to what marsha's team have done. I can't see a little bit extra
> on the phone bill for August 2000 being of importance in years to come,
> but this work may be of immeasurable importance if we manage it
> correctly.
> My grandfather says that the person who never made a mistake never made
> anything. Lets have a go at encouraging each other instead of having a
> pop.
> For those of you who received the document and didn't delete it, please
> have a look at it. Perhaps Lawrence could help Marsha distribute it in a
> more acceptable format to the list.
> Thanks,
> Simon.
> ---
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Yes if any one can make the document safer and easier to open --- surely
possible if it was only a few pages long --- or are the results able to be
posted on a website and we can be told the URL and look at it if we choose
Personally,  after reading all the whinges and the few supportive emails I
would like to know the content because it seems very important. My email was
strangled by the size of Marsha's message > 797 000 bytes and the only way
to access any of the other emails (which I had not been able to access for
several days) was to delete it --- so afterall the humbug I am none the

Is anyone on the list sufficiently technologically savvy to help distribute
or alternatively have it hosted on a pc site somewhere?
