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Re: GBlist: Asbestos Containment options

Bruce: Considering the gradual degradation of any encapsulation material
and the asbestos itself, I would rather face the problem upfront and
remove it when the building is not in use, rather than dependending upon 
the theoretical reliability of materials through time in occupied spaces.
The savings in: 1) monitoring 2) upgrades 3) continuous liability 4)
higher future removal costs, 5) continuous administration (safety
regulations) and 6) lower future resale value, all add up to REMOVAL
rather than  coverup as the choice of first defence. However, budgets are
usually the limiting criterion.
Jorg Ostrowski,  M. Arch. A.S. (MIT), B. Arch. (Toronto), Ecotect 
 in full-time professional practice since 1976 (Straw Bale since 1978),    
 3 demonstration projects in Canada built 1979, 1981, 1994, +80,000 visitors
 - living a conserver lifestyle & working in a sustainable home and office
Web Site [under construction]: http://www.ucalgary.ca/~jdo/ecotecture.htm

On Fri, 2 May 1997, Bruce Coldham wrote
> Richard and Jorg,
> >We are currently researching the use of icynene as asbestos
> >encapsulation, although complete removal is by far the best
> >strategy.
> Jorg, I am not sure that complete removal is always considered the best
> option for asbestos these days. I don't have the time or the expertise to
> go deeper into this matter, but I suggest that you at least question this
> assumption for now. Removal disturbs the asbestos (obviously) and
> inevitably puts some fibers into the air - even when done by the best and
> most organized removalists. Then there is the question of disposal.
> Sometimes the best place to "dispose" of the asbestos is to simply leave it
> alone and well contained.
> Bruce Coldham
> __________________________________________________________________
> This greenbuilding dialogue is sponsored by Oikos (www.oikos.com)
> and Environmental Building News (www.ebuild.com). For instructions
> send e-mail to greenbuilding-request@crest.org.
> __________________________________________________________________

This greenbuilding dialogue is sponsored by Oikos (www.oikos.com)
and Environmental Building News (www.ebuild.com). For instructions
send e-mail to greenbuilding-request@crest.org.
