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Re: [seedsavers] Now several plants wanted and have plums, blackberries

Jay Woods wrote:

> On Tuesday 22 January 2008 02:23:46 pm Lawrence F. London, Jr. wrote:
> I've got Jerusalem artichokes that were being pulled out (before the ground 
> froze). They are the wild (small tuber) Nebraska kind and adapted to this 
> zone 4-5 climate and dry summers. 
> While I've got stocks of multiplying onions, horseradish, and black and red 
> raspberries, they aren't anything special. This kind of stuff seems like a 
> better thing to give and trade locally. 

I would really like to have all of the above, especially the onions.
If you could ship me some I will gladly send $$$.

> How could I obtain some of the plum seed? And what is the zone and water 
> requirements for the blackberries. I've managed to kill the plantings the 
> last three times they were tried.

I expect they will all do OK where you are; no harm in trying. I can send you the BB's
as soon as the ground dries out and the plums as soon as they finish bearning this year. The neighbor's woods have a 
grove of the plums and I'll see if there are seeds lying on the ground I can send you now.

I have a type of heirloom mountain yellow table corn from NC. I will plant the seeds I have and if there's a crop will 
save some of these to exchange.

I can send you a pemail (private email) with my address when necessary.

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