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Re: [seedsavers] Hello - beans

my favorite source for beans is heritage harvest in
manitoba canada

varieties like............

arikara, aunt zora, blue coco, coco jaune de chine,
early mohawk, flagg, ga ga hut pinto,
red valentine, sweeney family heirloom, steeves
caseknife, grandma nellies yellow mushroom, anna hank
etc etc

those are only a few..........

have fun,
camille cimino

ex dir. watt's family garden club

--- "Lawrence F. London, Jr." <lflj@intrex.net> wrote:

> Woody wrote:
> > Hello
> > Does anyone have some old time pole bean seed to
> share.  I'm especially 
> > interested in the "been in the family since..."
> types to try out up here 
> > in NW Washington State.
> >  
> > I have some real nice spinach seed to trade.
> large leaf savoyed or flat?
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