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Re: [seedsavers] Unfortunate circumstances regarding this list

ryan hawkes wrote:

> So I signed up at the beginning of this conversation and have sort of 
> kept my mouth shut, because I don't care.
> But now I'm wondering...is this list associated with the organization 
> (or was)?

Of course not. It was started in response to the takeover attempt of SSE.

> For the love of pete, change the name and move on.  

That is being done.

> A list serve is not 
> a good forum for discussing group politics and maybe this is part of the 
> reason that Dianne decided to enforce their trademark of the SeedSavers 
> name. 

And pigs fueled on wasabi fly with gilded wings.

Try contributing seed source info or your seed want lists.

Hit the delete key othewise.

I have had to waste 2 hours of my time dealing the mess the sse is propagating
that affects this forum. I have better things to do than coddle a bunch of dungheads at SSE.

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