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Re: [seedsavers] Unfortunate circumstances regarding this list

I think you should apologize to Ryan.

Pat Kraft
new owner, 

Underwood Gardens

How to be a gardener: Lean toward sunshine; dig down deep; make peace with chaos; grow amazing tomatoes and too many zucchinis; raindance;  hum along with the bees; wear crazy hats and baggy pants; have wise hands; cultivate patience; moonglow; stay rooted; blossom wildly; have shady and mysterious corners; mend fences; wander; get earthy; share the harvest; be thankful. 

On Feb 21, 2008, at 12:42 AM, Lawrence F. London, Jr. wrote:

ryan hawkes wrote:

So I signed up at the beginning of this conversation and have sort of 
kept my mouth shut, because I don't care.

But now I'm wondering...is this list associated with the organization 
(or was)?

Of course not. It was started in response to the takeover attempt of SSE.

For the love of pete, change the name and move on.  

That is being done.

A list serve is not 
a good forum for discussing group politics and maybe this is part of the 
reason that Dianne decided to enforce their trademark of the SeedSavers 

And pigs fueled on wasabi fly with gilded wings.

Try contributing seed source info or your seed want lists.

Hit the delete key othewise.

I have had to waste 2 hours of my time dealing the mess the sse is propagating
that affects this forum. I have better things to do than coddle a bunch of dungheads at SSE.

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