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Re: [seedsavers] re-naming the list was Unfortunate circumstances regarding this list

Name possibilities:


and of course seedsavers; trying to defeat the use of that would not stand up in court;
as someone pointed out it was used in conjunction with Seed Saving and Exchange which brought on the problem;
removing that should be enough but I have asked ibiblio to create a new list for us called "seedsaving",
move all our message archives and subscriber list over to it. They will let me know when this has been done and I will 
let you know so you can reset any configurations you might have in your email client (addressbook, mailing lists, 
e-rolodex, filters/folders, whatever).

Suffice to say that no SSE people are welcome in this list, as far as I am concerned, so if you are here unbeknownst to 
the rest of us leave now because if I discover you I will lock you out of this forum. In order to be rid of this problem 
I was considering starting with a fresh list with no subscribers and having everyone reapply for membership with email 
to me identifying yourselves by real name, email ID, location and interest and involvement with seedsaving. This is a 
bad idea obviously so I never took it seriously. I am not happy about this intrusion into our space by SSE and the time 
I have had to spend dealing with their nonsense when I had much more important work to do. But those kind of people are 
everywhere these days, not all that different from monsanto, so one must be prepared to deal with them when the need 
arises. End of SSE issue.


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