About the author

I work as the Infrastructure Manager at UNC CH's Department of Computer Science, managing a small group whose members support data and voice communications, classrooms and conference rooms, teleconference and video, printers and building related issues. I also provides high level Macintosh support, and heads up development of database projects. I've worked in the IT/IS field at UNC CH for departments such as CS, ATN and CTL for longer than I care to admit, and am a strong proponant of cross platform environments. I got started on Apple ][+ and //e systems under DOS 3.3 and ProDOS, then learned MS-DOS, MacOS, and Windows (starting with Win286), OS/2, and Linux, and have administered Appleshare, Novell, Linux, and OS X servers. I also teach from time to time in the School of Information and Library Science at UNC CH.

About this site

These pages are a volunteer effort, as a "just for grins and trying to help out" endeavor. They are not associated with, nor sanctioned by any other individual or group at UNC-CH or elsewhere. Any opinions expressed are mine unless otherwise noted. Mileage may vary: take all information with a grain or two of salt, and good luck!

The Evangelism section is presented in the hope that folks will find it humorous. The OS wars are mostly silly chest pounding, and I believe that most intelligent approach is to choose the best hardware and OS for the specific task at hand, rather than pounding square pegs into round holes. I wish I had a dollar for everytime I've heard someone predict Apple would shortly go out of business since I first heard the claim back in 1984.

Suggestions and submissions are welcome especially if you find any errors or gaps, just drop me a note.

Last modified: 06 March 2010