What's this page about?

Mainly just fun, but also as a place for me to promote Macintosh as a superior micro-computer operating system for most users. Since I don't want to start a flare up of the OS wars, let me start with a clarification:

How it all started

Don't forget to take the oath.

Why Mac?

Well, one nice thing about making these pages is that I can give my (tongue in cheek) reasons why to get a Macintosh.


Cars and Computers

Like I said above, I tend to think that cars and computers are similar in the context of US culture.

I've said for years that Macs are to PCs what BMWs are to GMs (and I'm not the only one who thinks that way). I drive a Sonoma pickup truck and a Honda CRX, so I'm a cross platform driver as well as a cross platform computer user--I got the truck when I realized I'd never be happy unless I had a nice car to zip around in as well as something I could throw compost into without worrying about it. And everyone else in my family drives a BMW and a Jeep or a Range Rover (the desire to have a nimble runabout and a truck must be genetic). Basically, I like the "beemers" and jeeps, but they cost too much.

I have to say it, because I think it's significant, but the only thing I don't like about Macs is how anticlimactic is it to get a new system, hardware or software. The UI is well enough designed that it's never much of a hassle using a new system--not that it's perfect, things do break over time, but I don't ever seem to be staring that the menu lists trying to find a control panel or program like I seem to have to do with each new version of windows.

Last modified: 06 March 2010