OpenAFS for 10.5

This document presents a basic outline of installing OpenAFS, and is presented to provided general support. You should contact your site administrators for site specific data, and please be aware that this information is only what I've managed to cobble together--your mileage may vary. This should also work for 10.4 installations.

Getting OpenAFS

Binaries and source code for OpenAFS are provided from  The most stable release is the Maintenance release, but the Features release has the most features. Use the latter if you're adventurous, but usually either is fine.

Basic Installation

Assuming you're using the binary package, it's a straight forward installation--you just run the installer as you would for any other package. The installer will do the following:

Configuring AFS

If this is a new installation, you'll need to edit a couple of files to tell OpenAFS what cell you use and where the afs servers are located. If your just upgrading an existing installation, you can skip this step.

First, you'll need to add your home cell name to the ThisCell file. Using a text editor (in this example, I'm using vi) and as root, open the file:

sudo vi /var/db/openafs/etc/ThisCell  

Put a single line in this file with your cell name, eg. for isis users, or if you're using the UNC-CH Comp Sci cell. If you're using a different cell, contact your local support group for cell and and server information.

Next, you'll need to make sure that the cells you want to use are listed in the CellServDB file. The file provided has many cels listed, but most folks only use one or two cells, and the list is rather confusing as provided.

Again as root, make a backup of the current CellServDB file, and then open it with a text editor:

sudo mv /var/db/openafs/etc/CellServDB /var/db/openafs/etc/CellServDB.orig
sudo vi /var/db/openafs/etc/CellServDB

Then add your cell data to the file (if you don't know this, you may have to contact your site administrators).

> # University of North Carolina Computer Science

> # University of North Carolina Project Isis


Note: The first entry is for the cell, and we provide afs server location data via DNS. So you just need to include the line listing the name of the cell in CellServDB in order to get an entry in /afs for the cell, and OpenAFS will use DNS to find the servers. Last I checked, ITS doesn't provide this information in DNS for the cell, so we're adding the servers to that entry explicitly.

Then save the changes. Your basic configuration is complete, and you can reboot and try them out. If everything worked, once you've booted the machine (on the network, afs doesn't start if there's no network!), you should have a /afs subdirectory in the command line. If you want to see AFS in the Finder's sidebar, go to Finder's preferences, and in the Sidebar tab, enable Computer under Devices. Then AFS will be visible as an icon in the Sidebar when you click on your computer at the top of the devices list.

At this point, you should have a working installation of AFS. To use the afs space, tho, you'll need to login. There are two authentication methods for OpenAFS, and which you use depends on how your cell is configured.

  1. The old school method of doing this is to use "klog" from the command line, but this won't work if the cell doesn't support the older K4 authentication.
  2. If klog doesn't work for you, you'll need to integrate afs and kerberos. This is the currently preferred method and relies on first authenticating against a Kerberos v5 realm, and then using the ticket you get to check out an afs token.

If you'd like a GUI interface for OpenAFS, I suggest you try AFSCommander, this is a preference pane for OSX that you can use to get tokens (via the System Preferences, or if you enable the menu item, from the Menu Bar). For more information, see the 10.5 version of how to integrate afs and kerberos.

Tweaking AFS: Some different options you might try

These steps are completely optional

Matching UIDs

At this point you should be able to perform most all operations from the CLI. But if you try to copy files to and from AFS space from Finder, you may encounter errors. This is probably due to a mismatch in the UID for your accounts. Ideally, you'll want not only your usernames on both your OS X machine and your AFS account to match, but also the UIDs for each.

By default, Mac OS X will start assigning UIDs at 501, so it's most likely that that's what your UID is. If, in a terminal window, you cd to your AFS home space, and do an "ls -l" you'll likely see something like this:

[localhost] hays% cd /afs/
[] hays% ls -l
total 211
drwxr-xr-x  3 5420    1003     2048 Jul 24  2000 DesktopFolderDB
-rw-r--r--  1 5420    1003    32768 Sep  7  2000 Fall200Scheduler.doc
drwxrwxr-x  3 daemon  1003    10240 Feb 12 10:48 autoremedy
drwxr-xr-x  2 5420    daemon   2048 Jul 25  2000 bin
drwxr-xr-x  2 5420    1003     2048 Sep 21  2000 bin-hp700_hpux

In the listing above, the number 5420 represents the UID in use by hays in AFS space. If you try to copy files via Finder, Finder sees that the local UID and the UID in AFS space do not match, and generates an error. In order to fix this, you need to change your local UID to match the UID in the AFS cell. Warning! This procedure is a bit dangerous--what we're going to do is change the ownership of the files on your system on the file. You should have a good backup before you start this!

Making access easier

You won't want to have to navigate the entire cell's tree regularly, so you'll want to make access easier. There are a couple of things you can do.

Integrating Login

See the Kerberos Integration doc for information on getting afs tokens automatically.

Last modified: 06 March 2010