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2007 Virtual Conference on Nanoscale Science and Technology
VC-NST, October 21-25, 2007
Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701, USA

Deadline for late registration is Oct. 12.

Conference Packge Content

Abstract Book

Do Not Disturb Flyer

VC-NST 2007 Abstract Book Do Not Disturb


All abstracts should be submitted via an e-mail attachment to: nst@oa-host.org. The attachment should be in the format of either rft (rich text format) or Microsoft Word, containing the abstract title, the list of all authors with their institutional affiliation, and the body of the abstract consisting of no more than 500 words including references and footnotes. Each abstract submission may include one illustration. Please be certain that the presenting author and/or the corresponding author are designated with detailed contact information, including at least their email addresses.

Full Guidelines

An abstract example is is available here, which contains all text styles necessary for abstract preparation

Abstract length:
One page.
Paper size:
Letter (width=8.5'', height=11.0'').
Page margins:
0.8'' for top, left, bottom, and right margins.
Times New Roman. Single line spacing.
Font size: 11pt, bold typeface.
Underline the presenting author.

• Department (or Institute, Laboratory), University (or Company), City, State (or Province), Country
• Email address for the presenting author is required, web site is optional.
• Font size: 10pt, italic typeface, left aligned.

Font size: 11pt.
Grayscale (preferred) or color.
Figure caption:
Font size: 10pt.
Table caption:
Font size: 10pt.
Reference format:

For Journal papers: Authors, Journal title volume number, page (year).
For Books:              Authors, Book title (Publisher), page (year).

Preferred presentation type:
Please check either oral or poster. Specify oral for on-site or Internet. A training session will be scheduled for Internet oral presenters one week ahead of the conference.


VC-NST, University of Arkansas, 222 Physics Building, Fayetteville, AR 72701, USA; Tel: (479) 575-4217; Fax: (479) 575-4580; Email: nst@oa-host.org