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2007 Virtual Conference on Nanoscale Science and Technology
VC-NST, October 21-25, 2007
Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701, USA

OAHOST nanotechnology TV channel for updates

VC-NST 2008, July 24-29

Message from the conference chairs

The Virtual Conference on Nanoscale Science and Technology (VC-NST) is in fact a conference, but more than a conference.

A typical face-to-face conference will take place on October 21-25 in Fayetteville, Arkansas, USA. We appreciate the opportunity to share our beautiful Northwest Arkansas with visiting participants. Beyond the well-prepared topical sessions, there will be a range of other exciting opportunities for visiting participants to get out and enjoy our city, the Ozark Mountains and the sparking lakes.

VCNST site #1Together with its face-to-face counterpart will be a joint virtual conference run in real-time, providing an advanced collaborative environment for participants from every corner of the world to share their knowledge while carrying on their regular scholarly duties and without the expense of physically traveling to Fayetteville, Arkansas. By using the computers and phones in their offices or homes, through the Internet VC-NST participants will be able to present their research on big screens and speakers during the conference in Fayetteville, Arkansas.

This is a new type of platform for the rapid dissemination of information on the important scientific achievements by nanoscience and nanotechnology researchers worldwide. With latest screen sharing techniques, every VC-NST presenter is offered the opportunity to deliver their research to additional thousands of audience members and receive their responses, both in real time. Now, audiences are not limited to conference attendees alone as with a conventional conference.

VC-NST conference programs will utilize the extraordinary possibilities of the current course of technological revolution and explore the unlimited possibilities of the future.

Because this is an experiment in a new form of conference, we seek further comments and suggestions.

Zhiming M. Wang
VC-NST-2007 Conference Chair

Bo-Kuai Lai
VC-NST General Chair



VC-NST, University of Arkansas, 222 Physics Building, Fayetteville, AR 72701, USA; Tel: (479) 575-4217; Fax: (479) 575-4580; Email: nst@oa-host.org