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[Fwd: Re: bald eagle]

Florida Wildlife Conservation (Formerly Florida Fish and Game Commission) 
is the only group I can find at this point that has any transmitters on 
eagles.  In Fact, Brian Milsap of FWC says several of their eagles are on 
Lake Jordan now.  They have a web sit that is a little out of date, but you 
can track their eagles on a map to see where they all are 
Http://www.state.fl.us/fwc/  or you can call Brian directly 850-488-3831. 
 Have a good day.

-----Original Message-----
Sent:	Saturday, August 14, 1999 9:55 PM
To:	Allen, David H.
Cc:	Susan Campbell; Thomas M. Henson
Subject:	FW: bald eagle


This person may soon be contacting you to further discuss this eagle. I 
her your email and phone.


Thanks for directing her to us Susan!

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Lee Van Malssen [SMTP:leescats@earthlink.net]
> Sent:	Friday, August 13, 1999 4:57 AM
> To:	johnsme@mail.wildllife.state.nc.us
> Subject:	bald eagle
> mark,
> susan campbell suggested i contact you as the email address she sent me
> for dave allen came back to me undeliverable.
> about 2 weeks ago i was birding the 751 bridge in chatham county and
> spotted a subadult bald eagle with a transmitter on it's back.  at first
> i thought there was a feather sticking up between the shoulder blades
> but it became obvious this was not what it was.  as it banked the sun
> was hitting something metallic.  as it went over my head i could see the
> transmitter between the shoulder blades and what was sticking up was an
> antenna. rather a large item i thought but the eagle didn't seem
> abnormal or disturbed in the least.  susan suggested i notify dave allen
> but the message didn't go thru and then she thought you might know how
> to contact him.
> my original question when i  posted to carolinabirds was whom i should
> contact about this sighting.
> feel free to contact me.
> lee van malssen
> leescats@earthlink.net
> chapel hill, nc
> 919-929-8014