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who was that mystery birder?

  This morning at Little Crk.Impdmt.(hwy 54) was surprised to see
a fascinating blind maneuvering about in the middle of the impdmt.
sneaking up on birds for photography; looked like a sort of camouflaged pup 
tent on an inner tube; couldn't tell if it was actually floating or being 
walked about by someone in hip waders (or remote-controlled by someone on 
planet Zorka). Was this per chance a C-birder or anybody know who it was? A 
white work van was parked by impdmt. Would be great for getting super looks 
of Ibises/Night Herons/Egrets this summer.

  Red H. woodpeckers were prevalent at both Little Crk and New Hope
Impdmts, and some Hooded Mergs. at the latter as well. Also, had a large 
river otter at Little Crk.


**Rob Gluck         Chapel Hill        thrush@hotmail.com

   "If the human brain was so simple that we could understand
    it, then we would be so simple that we couldn't."

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