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ten duck day

Hi, I'm a new subscriber, although I've been in the Triangle for 
almost 3 years:  I can't believe it took me so long to find this 
group! I'm originally from the UK so if you have any Q's about 
British birds I may (emphasizing the "may") be able to help.

Quick report of a fun day in Umstead Park on Sat: a really 
interesting mix of ducks on the boating lake. I walked up the 
powerline maintenance track and found a good vantage point to take in 
the ring-necks (>50), shovelers (5), blue (2 pairs) and green winged 
teal (1 pair), mallard (~10), a lone female hooded merganser, 
buffleheads (>6), pintail (1 pair), gadwall (>20) and ruddy ducks 
(>20). Plus a few Canada geese, a nice osprey sighting and a 
pied-billed grebe. And the pine warblers were singing and got close. 
Only bad thing was I got sun burn!

Question: I went to Wilmington 3 weeks ago and thought I saw a pair 
of European Wigeon on the Greenfield (?) Lake. Are these regularly 
there (ie captive/escapes) or are they vagrants?

I look forward to hearing from you all,

Steve Perry

Receptor Biology lab, Duke Uni Med Center
