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Rainy Day Birding

Hello all,

I took the day off and spent part of the morning visiting one or two
birding spots.  A stop at Crabtree County Park yielded a pair of Greater
Yellowlegs, a lustily singing Brown Thrasher, a few swallows (let's say
Tree, but the light was really too poor to see any color on them or even
really the tail shape), a small raft of Lesser Scaup, and a singing
BLUE-HEADED VIREO, which was a nice early treat.  As I managed to find a
lull in the deluge, the birds were actually very active, and it almost
started to feel like Spring...

A brief drive by Greenview Pond yielded four WHITE-CROWNED SPARROWS
still hanging out on Blaney Franks Road.  No sign of the Pectorals at
the NCSU Dairy Pond, but I didn't look very long or hard (rain was
starting at that point, so I didn't even bother getting my scope out of
the car).  There were several Bufflehead, Shovelers, and a couple of
Ruddies on the Pond.

All in all, a very pleasant way to spend a couple of hours.

Happy Birding!


Sandy Cash
Durham, NC