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[Fwd: This Week at Hilton Pond 03/22/01 (Winter Finches)]

Joan Carr wrote:

> BILL HILTON JR Hilton Pond Center for Piedmont Natural History wrote:
> > HI . . .
> >
> > Is it our imagination that fewer American Goldfinches and Pine
> > Siskins are visiting our feeders this year?
> >
> Hi All,
> Maybe all those Goldfinches are in Kentucky. We have had tons at our feeders
> and have enjoyed their "chattering". Presently the males are beginning to
> show their summer colors of bright yellow. They are congregating in our "Big
> Ole Pine Tree" (personalized apart from all the other pines) beside the
> house and deck and singing their hearts out. Like everyone else, I am
> praying that the pine beetles don't show up on this wonderful old and
> beautiful tree. My husband has sprayed the trunk once as a precaution. That
> tree is to birds like Times Square is to New York visitors, it attracts
> everybody. In spring and fall I can see dozens of different warblers from my
> deck as they glean the tree. The Tanagers, all woodpeckers, Brown Creeper,
> Rose-breasted Grosbeaks, Nuthatches, etc., etc., etc., spend time all over
> that tree and often hop off a limb onto the railing of the deck right into
> my face.
> Cheers, Joan of Art and Nature