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Backyard Birds


It's been awhile since I've written because of AOL problems. We have
switched to Earthlink, so note the new address.
Notice we still have birders in our email address. Had to include one of
my favorite birds in the name!

I'm thrilled the Baltimore Oriole is still visiting our suet feeders.
He's molting, with more black around his face,
and the gold is turning into a brilliant orange. Beautiful bird!

A pair of bluebirds and chickadees have built nests in the backyard
boxes. Looks like the Carolina Wrens may have
started a nest in the basket by the front door entrance again.

Wake Audubon is having their monthly "Bagels and Birding" on the Buckeye
Trail Saturday, April 7. You are welcome to join us at 8:30 am.

This is short because I want to make sure it works. I don't like how
I've become so dependent on emails and computers!!

Happy springtime birding!!  Karen Bearden
Raleigh, NC