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Chimney Rock Park Warblers etc.

Hi All,

This Saturday afternoon Carol & I visited Chimney Rock Park again. 
Warblers: American Redstart, Hooded, Black & White, Worm-eating,
Black-throated Green (far fewer than last Sat.), & Cerulean.  We also saw
a pair of Yellow-throated  Vireos, a Red-eyed Vireo & a female Scarlet
Tanager.  Saw a couple Pileated Woodpeckers.  Never tire seeing them.  We
heard several & saw our first Wood Thrush of the season.  What a
beautiful song  they have.  At the bottom of the chimney we saw our first
Chimney Swift this spring.  Such a beautiful spring day.

Ben & Carol Ringer
Hendersonville, NC