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Columbia sewage treatment plant on 15 April 2001

This afternoon Caroline Eastman and I spent an hour or so checking out the
Columbia sewage treatment plant area, and also the White House Road area
(Richland County, SC; DeLorme p. 36, G3).  The big ash pond at the sewage
plant currently gets water only from rain, so it can vary from completely
dry to completely full. Today's levels were pretty good for shorebirds, and
we saw a few common species.

We did not notice any Indigo or Painted Buntings. My new species for the
outing was a singing American Redstart, along the road that crosses under

Here is our day list:

Blue-winged Teal -- 1
Killdeer -- 10
Lesser Yellowlegs -- 6
Solitary Sandpiper -- 3
Spotted Sandpiper -- 1
Least Sandpiper -- 15
Common Snipe -- 4
Rock Dove -- 15
Mourning Dove -- 4
Eastern Kingbird -- 1
Blue Jay -- 5
American Crow -- 2
Northern Rough-winged Swallow -- 12
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher -- 1
Eastern Bluebird -- 2
Northern Mockingbird -- 2
Brown Thrasher -- 2
European Starling -- 20
American Pipit -- 1 (at the ash pond)
Yellow-rumped Warbler -- 3
American Redstart -- 1
Prothonotary Warbler -- 1
Swainson's Warbler -- 1
Savannah Sparrow -- 6
White-throated Sparrow -- 10
Northern Cardinal -- 6
Red-winged Blackbird -- 5
Common Grackle -- 10
Brown-headed Cowbird -- 4

Robin Carter
Columbia, SC