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MBSP on 4-16

Hi Carolinabirders,
	This morning I looked for birds and butterflies at Myrtle Beach S.P.,
Horry County, SC. If you count the Crow sp I believe I had 40 species.  The
day was much cooler about mid 60's and variably breezy. Single digets are
about accurate. Double digits or more are an educated guess.
Pied-billed Grebe-1
Brown Pelican-4
Double-crested Cormorant-about 100 in three groups heading North over the
Green Heron-3 one flew in from the ocean!
Mallard-2 hunkered down in a swash at the beach. Probably feral birds they
were there last week
Killdeer-3 in an area which looked perfect for nesting sandy with shells.
Ruddy Turnstone-20
Ring-billed Gull-30
Forster's Tern-4
Rock Dove-8
Mourning Dove-6
Red-bellied Woodpecker-4
Downy Woodpecker-1
Great Crested Flycatcher-6
Tree Swallow-numerous overhead 
Barn Swallow-10 migrating low heading North
Blue Jay-15
Crow sp.-4
Carolina Chickadee-7
Tufted Titmouse-4
White-breasted Nuthatch-1
Brown-headed Nuthatch-1
Carolina Wren-2
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher-2
Wood Thrush-1 heard only
Am. Robin-4
Gray Catbird-1
N. Mockingbird-4
Brown Thrasher-4
White-eyed Vireo-3 heard only
Blue-headed Vireo-3
Red-eyed Vireo-2 heard only
N. Parula-2 heard only
Yellow-rumped Warbler-numerous lots of singing
Prairie Warbler-4 heard only weak singing
Black and White Warbler-1
N. Cardinal-10
White-throated Sparrow-4
Common Grackle-2

Good birding,


Jack Peachey
Conway, SC