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migrants on the web

Hi Carolinabirders,

Had some time to surf Siler's site today after finishing some grant 
applications last night. Points of interest:

A Golden-winged Warbler was seen over the weekend near Richmond, VA. See 
http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/VABD.html for details and updates. 
Another species not yet reported from the Carolinas, Chestnut-sided 
Warbler, was seen near Baltimore.

Florida is reporting the first arriving Mississippi Kites and Bobolinks.

Several other species not yet reported from the Carolinas are showing up 
at Kennesaw Mountain, GA, just north of Atlanta (I think). An area birder 
has set up a web page about this spot, probably the best spring migration 
spot in the state:

The Swallow-tailed Kite which was seen by several folks as it moved up 
the Outer Banks must have kept going. One turned up on Nantucket! A 
Summer Tanager has arrived in Rhode Island, another overshoot. The 
weather this spring is just too darn nice for us birders, but it's nice 
to see the birds having an easy time going north...

Continuing the winter theme of western vagrants, there's a Townsend's 
Warbler being seen in Sanibel, FL. Another Townsend's is being seen at 
High Island, TX, along with a briefly spotted Painted Redstart.

Good birding,


Joshua S. Rose
Duke University
Department of Biology (Zoology, R.I.P.)
