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Chimney Rock Park Walk

There will be a guided birdwalk at Chimney Rock Park near Lake Lure, North
Carolina starting at 9 AM on Saturday 21 April. Directions can be found on
the www.chimneyrockpark.com website. An excellent selection of summering
migrants is already back on territory, including Cerulean, Worm-eating and
Black-trhoated Green Warblers, and we are expecting Swainson's Warblers to
arrive any day now!
Talking of excellent places to head this summer, we still have a couple of
spots open on our Churchill, Manitoba Venture this summer from 16-23 June.
The "star" bird to look for has to be the Ross's Gull, but there are many
other avian attractions, such as Great Gray Owl, Sabine's Gull and 3
Longspurs to keep us busy. Contact me for further information.
See you at Chimney Rock Park on Saturday.

Simon Thompson
Ventures Birding and Nature Tours
PO Box 1095
Skyland, NC 28776