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Warblers at Raven Rock

Last Sunday (15 Apr) and again today, this time accompanied by Steve and
Tracy Shultz, I birded Raven Rock State Park in hopes of finding a
Swainson's Warbler.  Unfortunately no Swainson's was to be found, but
the birding was great nonetheless.  As usual at Raven Rock, Hooded
Warblers were everywhere, and we also heard a few Kentuckys and even saw
a couple.  Last week I had 12 warbler species (Northern Parula,
Yellow-rumped, Black-throated Green, Yellow-throated, Pine,
Black-and-white, American Redstart, Prothonotary, Ovenbird, Louisiana
Waterthrush, Kentucky and Hooded) and today we had exactly the same list
less Black-throated Green.  In fact in general the two days were very
similar--isn't anything NEW moving through?  Both trips had both Scarlet
and Summer Tanager (riddle: how do we know that Scarlet Tanagers are
listers?) and Rose-breasted Grosbeak.  Today seconds after I commented
that I was surprised we hadn't heard a Black-and-White yet, the first of
several Black-and-Whites sang, and later seconds after I remarked that
it was the first birding trip of the season with no Ruby-crowned
Kinglet, two appeared.  (Riddle answer:  their call is Trip bird! Trip

Kent Fiala
Raleigh, NC