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Mason Farm- Kentucky Warbler

    I spent from 11:30-1:00PM today at Mason Farm.  
Definitely the best bird, a life bird for me, was Kentucky Warbler.  I first 
only heard it and decided that's what it was for sure (I know Will's heard 
that from me before), but then with some patience I saw it about 6-8 ft. up 
near the trunk of a small tree, and got to watch while it sang some more too!!
    Also heard a song that I couldn't ID till saw a male Am. Redstart singing 
    Only other mystery was a song that sounded like a Swainson's Warbler on 
my Birding By Ear tape, I've been listening to it a lot in the last few days 
because I thought I heard one in the yard possibly, but try as I may I never 
got a look at the singer.  Darn, guess I'll have to go back and check for it 
    A huge Rat Snake was sunning on a snag, and there were bike riders on the 
path disobeying the no-biking rules.
Shelley Theye

Shelley Theye
N. Chatham County, NC