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SC migrants this weekend

Saturday, April 21:

Congaree Swamp NM low board walk & service road: Yellow-billed Cuckoo 2,
Acadian Flycatcher 3+, Blue-winged Warbler 1, Worm-eating Warbler 2,
Louisiana Waterthrush 1, Swainson's Warbler 1, Kentucky Warbler 2, Am.
Redstart 1, Black-and-white Warbler 2, Hooded Warbler 5+, Prothonotary
Warbler 10+

Sunday, April 22:

Granby Park, Columbia:  1 male, 1 female Cape May Warblers, 1 singing House
Wren, 2 Ruby-crowned Kinglets, several Orchard Orioles.

White House Road, east of I-77 off Bluff Road: 2 adult Little Blue Herons, 2
male Prothonotary Warblers, 1 singing Ovenbird, 1 singing Swainson's
Warbler; 1 male Indigo Bunting.

Orangeburg Sod Farms (I-26/#301)and adjacent industrial park:  3 Upland
Sandpipers left side of Hesperus Road; 2 Common Snipe, 1 Greater Yellowlegs,
1 Killdeer, 1 ad. Little Blue Heron, 2 Great Egrets,2 Common Ground-Doves,
5+ Horned Larks,4+ Blue Grosbeaks, 4 Savannah Sparrows, 2 Field Sparrows.

# 301 to Santee:  Cattle Egrets 2

Santee NWR, Pine Island Unit and vicinity:  Green Heron 2, Least Sandpiper
4, Cooper's Hawk 1 ad., Sedge Wren 4, Black-throated Blue Warbler 1 male,
Prairie Warbler 1, Prothonotary Warbler 1, Yellow-breasted Chat 1, LeConte's
Sparrow 2, White-throated Sparrow 8+, Swamp Sparrow 3, Field Sparrow 2,
Savannah Sparrow 2, Blue Grosbeak 2, Painted Bunting 2.

Tim Kalbach
Columbia, SC