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Mason Farm- Kentucky Warbler

The Chapel Hill Bird Club had their Sat. AM walk at Mason Farm yesterday, 
4/20, led by Doug Shadwick.  We saw many of the birds that Elisa listed, with 
the exception of the Blue-winged Warbler.  

We did hear a Kentucky Warbler in the same spot as last year.  We met up with 
Gail and Herman Lankford who stayed at the spot after we left, and they did 
get a brief look as it flew across the path.  This spot sounds very close to 
where Elisa saw the Blue-winged Warbler.  The Lankfords also heard a 
Blue-winged Warbler near the parking lot in the scrubby area on the left-hand 
side of the path before the V intersection. 

We had nice views of Palm Warblers, in paler and more yellow plumages.
An Eastern Kingbird was also heard, as was a Yellow-breasted Chat.

Next Sat. the CH bird club will be having a field trip to Sunset Beach and 
the Green Swamp.

Shelley Theye

Shelley Theye
N. Chatham County, NC  (just south of Chapel Hill)