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Re: feather ID

I recently started the process of obtaining a permit to posess feathers for
use in bird talks to students and other groups. It is a very difficult
process and I was told by the appropriate official in Atlanta that I might
be able to get a permit to possess but not to collect feathers. The
application is very long and requires five witnesses, etc.
I've about decided to give up and just use chicken feathers. My main purpose
is to illustrate the remarkable properties of a feather and chickens will do
although the kinds of colors aren't very well illustrated.
The law is a good one! I'm afraid that trying to change it to make it more
"sensible" would result in abuse.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Alex Netherton" <danetherton@email.msn.com>
To: "Janine Perlman" <jpandjf@ix.netcom.com>; <carolinabirds@duke.edu>;
"Stephen J. Perry" <stevep@receptor-biol.duke.edu>
Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2001 6:25 PM
Subject: Re: feather ID

> "it is against federal law to have in
> one's possession migratory birds or any parts thereof, including feathers,
> without a federal permit."
> I didn't realize Flickers were migratory. Are Dove or duck hunters
> prohibited from keeping the feathers from the birds they take legally?
> These are not nit-pick questions, but asking for information. Also, I
> like to know the reasoning behind this law.
> Alex Netherton
> The Appalachian Naturalist
> Asheville, NC
> http://www.appalachian-naturalist.com