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anne springs close greenway

   Had to work this weekend-rats, so headed out with Ben Berry for a
morning of birding this past monday  at the above greenway and working
farm in Ft Mill ,Sc.
Highlights include:
Summer and scarlet tanagers -males and females of both
Baltimore and orchard orioles M&F                       Large flock of
cedar waxwngs in tulip trees
Warbler-hooded,black throated blue,pine,yellow rump,redstarts,chestnut
sided,  all seen and heard.
L-waterthrush & indigo buntings / no blue grosbeaks ,acadian
flycatchers, or common yellowthroats as yet
Dave Lovett= Charlotte.nc
Birdsalot@webtv.net                                  PS = Strawberries
are in at springs farm and               are  heavenly!