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Heron photos and a bunch of questions

I was hoping to get a few "first flight" shots of this year's bumper crop of
herons that are at the heronry near Butner. Two weeks ago, I got the picture
shown at:


The little guy backing up to the edge appeared to be one of the largest
herons out of 14 nests. This evening, I found one hour to shoot pictures.
The post storm evening light was awful. However, I got the picture shown at:


This guy was flying and he came out of the nest where I shot the first
photo. Is it possible for them to grow that much in two weeks? Have I
mistaken this bird as one of the young birds that was hatched this year?

Can any one tell me how long they will hang around the nests once the young
learn to fly? Actually, the real question is--once the babies are all
flying, will the  herons remaining near these nests or will they vacate for
better places?

During this past winter I spent some time shooting the blue heron in Duke
Gardens (http://www.reallyusefulpage.com/birds/pages/scan0049.htm). He left
about the time the nest building activity occurred. Is it likely that there
will be a heron again at Duke Gardens over the summer?

Sadly, time has not permitted me the time to read up on herons. If any one
has suggestions on books or online resources for learning about these birds,
please let me know.

Also, I will be making three or four trips to Butner this week for sure. If
any one would like to go, I would be happy to take you. As the sun sets
behind the birds, I can not get good shots in the evening. Early morning is
the best time. I will likely visit tomorrow morning very early.

Thanks for any information that you may have about my favorite bird--the

Gregory Georges
Really Useful Content, Inc.
914 Kings Mill Road
Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27514
Tel: (919) 929-1778

Author of:

Digital Camera Solutions--a comprehensive guide to
getting the most from your digital camera and digital images

50 Fast Digital Photo Techniques--the step-by-step guide to
50 cool things you can do with your digital photos