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International Migratory Bird Day, Tibwin Plantation, SC

Belated list of birds for IMBD at Tibwin Plantation, Francis Marion, SC
on May 12, 2001.  Here is a list of the species, most numerous were wood
thrushes and approximately 15 painted buntings.  79 species were

pied-billed grebe
brown pelican
double-crested cormorant
great blue heron
great egret
snowy egret
little blue heron
green heron
black-crowned night heron
black vulture
turkey vulture
Mississippi kite
clapper rail
king rail
common moorhen
greater yellowlegs
spotted sandpiper
least sandpiper
laughing gull
ring-billed gull
gull-billed tern
royal tern
black skimmer
mourning dove
yellow-billed cuckoo
great horned owl
chimney swift
red-headed woodpecker
red-bellied woodpecker
hairy woodpecker
northern flicker
pileated woodpecker
eastern wood pewee
great crested flycatcher
eastern kingbird
northern rough-winged swallow
barn swallow
blue jay
American crow
fish crow
Carolina chickadee
tufted titmouse
brown-headed nuthatch
Carolina wren
blue-gray gnatcatcher
eastern bluebird
wood thrush
American robin
northern mockingbird
brown thrasher
white-eyed vireo
blue-headed vireo
red-eyed vireo
northern parula
myrtle warbler
yellow-throated warbler
pine warbler
prothonotary warbler
worm-eating warbler
Kentucky warbler
common yellowthroat
hooded warbler
yellow-breasted chat
summer tanager
northern cardinal
blue grosbeak
indigo bunting
painted bunting
eastern towhee
swamp sparrow
red-winged blackbird
boat-tailed grackle
common grackle
brown-headed cowbird
orchard oriole

We  missed many common species which we could have put the list at near

Craig Watson
Mt. Pleasant, SC