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nestling Cooper's Hawk, Warbling Vireo (?)

Probably since mid-April, Esther and I have neither seen nor heard an adult
Cooper's Hawk in the area where we believed the hawks built a nest, a few
blocks from our house.   Yesterday evening, we scoped the stick mass high
in a White Pine and glimpsed -- barely -- the motion of a pale-winged young
bird.  The nest is well concealed, and we could find only one sight line
that allowed even our partial look -- but it was good enough to confirm
that at least one young is in the nest.  Since the view is so poor, and to
get it you stand in someone's driveway, I'm refraining from posting
directions.  When/if the nestling fledges, we'll post a note.

This morning, we stopped by Beaver Lake and saw one young bird in the
Warbling Vireo nest, possibly a week or more away from fledging.  We were
short on time and had to leave before an adult bird visited the nest, so
it's possible there are other young in the nest that we did not see. I
believe I saw the nestling well enough to rule out Brown-headed Cowbird,
but I'd like a longer look to confirm that.

Len Pardue,  Asheville, NC