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correction, Jordan Lk count

I just received notice that there was a mistake on one of the reports I 
received as compiler for the Jordan Lake (NC) spring bird count.  A party 
that reported 8 Evening Grosbeaks actually meant to report 8 American 
Goldfinches (the next line on our count form).

Not a big deal, but since the past winter saw a dearth of finches, I should 
have checked out this report more carefully.  The reporting party being 
made up of stalwart, experienced birders, I just accepted the data as 
presented.  OOPS!


Norman Budnitz, nbudnitz@duke.edu
919-684-3592 (day), 919-383-0553 (eve),919-660-7293 (fax)

(work) Biology Dept, Duke Univ, Box 90338, Durham NC 27708
(home) 4115 Garrett Drive, Durham NC 27705

PROGRESS: the victory of laughter over dogma.
(Tom Robbins, Half Asleep in Frog Pajamas)